Patriarchy,  Religious Abuse

Listen to Survivors

Listen to survivors.

We are the experts on our own stories. We have already experienced Project 2025 firsthand. We have lived through the future that right-wing politicians want for our country.

We have no agenda other than never wishing our life stories on anyone. Listen to us when we tell you we know what is happening in our country right now, we see where it is going, and it needs to be stopped.

Trump and Vance, their supporters, and proponents of Project 2025 are not a fringe extremist group. They are only saying the quiet part out loud. They are slowly exposing the hidden reality that has been allowed to grow and fester behind closed doors for decades. They want us to get used to it. Right-wing politicians and their loyal followers are giving us a kaleidoscope of snapshots into what it’s like living in the isolated barracks of evangelicalism. We need to put the pieces together and see the big picture of looming darkness on the horizon.

It was always only a matter of time before churches decided to take their power and control outside their four walls. Dominion theology tells them to. They believe they are commanded by their god to take over the world and rule it according to their religion. It’s no surprise they are ramping up their efforts as church membership steadily declines. When voluntary submission stops working for their goals, they need to force it. They are the American Taliban dead-set on making the United States a “Christian Nation”, and they probably won’t stop there. Christian Nationalists have declared themselves the representatives of a heavenly dictator and they will go to great lengths to ensure compliance to their customized version of morality – whatever is needed to support the kind of society they believe they deserve to benefit from.

Church is inherently political. It always has been. It dictates what individuals and communities are allowed to do and not do, who deserves power and who submits and obeys, decides who deserves or doesn’t deserve charity – if that’s not political, what is?

Remember, when those in power make a law, they design it to benefit themselves. They structure the rules of society to do away with any opposition. Their vision for America is a few privileged, wealthy, powerful men at the top calling all the shots, with everyone else serving them in complete obedience. It’s very difficult to turn something like this around because the only ones with the ability to enact change are the same ones dead-set on preventing it. Now is our chance to do something.

Our two-party political system is deeply flawed, and the Democratic Party is far from perfect. But the simple fact of the matter is that in less than a week one of the two top candidates for US President will win this election and it’s our job to keep a dictator out of power.

Listen to survivors. Hear us and help us prevent these stories of religious trauma from becoming our collective future.

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